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Available courses

This unit covers the competencies required to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices involved in capacity building. The unit covers various aspects of community empowernment, including raising of funds, elements ofcommunity strenth,levels of social agencies and challenges in CBE. These will be facilitated through online learning.

This unit aims at equipping all the student trainees pursuing the Diploma in Social work and community Development with the requisite competencies to facilitate flexible and blended learning.


To successfully complete the unit, you are expected to have access to:

  • A laptop (Operating System - Windows 10 and Ms. Office 2013 and above)
  • Tablet/ smartphone/ iPhone
  • Internet connectivity


Assessment for learning will comprise of ; 

  • 75% and above class attendance
  • CAT 1 – 30% 
  • assignments for Continuous Assessment (Cat 2) – 70%
  •  End of Term Examinations – 100% 
  • Active class participation

Your Course Facilitators will be;


social work entails advocating for the rights of less fortunate in society


This unit specifies the competencies required to familiarize with the community awareness plan, identify resources required, carry out community awareness activities and document community awareness activities